Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Jetstream (0.7mm & 1.0mm): Love At First Write

Introducing, the Jetstream:

What can be said about the Uni-ball Jetstream that hasn’t been said thus far? This pen has become a staple in offices, schools, desks, purses, pockets, and the fluttering little hearts of over-enthusiastic pen lovers the world over. Since the Jetstream’s inception, Uni-ball has been compelled to make more and more types of the pen and has shown no signs of stopping. It has become one of their biggest worldwide sellers and an envoy to the West.
You know a pen is good when the simple fact of using it makes you feel like a professional in some way. The slippery, effortless nature of the tungsten ball’s interaction with the hybrid ink makes you feel wildly more important than you probably actually are. It brings up visions of a reporter hastily scrawling notes into his steno pad or a doctor at her desk, waving a pen, wand-like, over the page before producing a prescription. To me, there is crude kind of magic in that refill.
However, a pen is not simply its ink system. There is much more to it that captures our interest and admiration. Everything in a pen works separately and together to provide an experience that is unique entirely to it. That is precisely what we will be going over today.